Last updated: 26.03.2024

<aside> 💡 High-Level Description:

The French Environment and Energy Management Agency, known as ADEME, is a public institution that operates under the French Ministries of Ecology and Research. Recognized for its research capabilities and its pursuit of sustainable solutions, ADEME has developed carbon calculation methodologies tailored to specific sectors. One of their distinguished frameworks pertains to the flight passenger sector, aiming to quantify the environmental footprint of aviation.

ADEME’s methodology for flights takes into account multiple factors: aircraft type, fuel consumption, flight duration, and occupancy rates, to name a few. Moreover, it integrates elements such as radiative forcing, which considers the heightened impact of emissions at cruising altitudes. By offering a comprehensive, science-backed method for carbon calculation, ADEME aids airlines, regulatory bodies, and environmental organizations in gauging and consequently minimizing the aviation industry's carbon footprint.



co2_in_g = distance_in_km * co2_in_g_per_passenger-km * number_of_passengers

Factors considered by methodology:

API request

  "expand": [
  "items": [
      "type": "flight",
      "methodology": "ADEME",
      "external_reference": "string",
      "origin": "TXL",
      "destination": "HAM",
      "number_of_travelers": 2,
      "aircraft_size": "under_180_seats"
